What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET)?

RET is a natural, safe way to release stress and trauma at a cellular and DNA level. RET simulates REM sleep, your body’s natural release system. This technology is a powerful and quick way to release trauma without reliving it. This form of energy medicine accesses the whole mind/body system while in an awakened state and allows you to direct your own journey. The rapid blinking in the process of RET puts you in a state of balance which then allows anything out of balance to release.

This technology is nationally recognized as one of the most effective processes in releasing and recovering from:

  • PTSD
  • Abuse
  • Addictions
  • Depression, Anger and Grief
  • Relationship and Family Patterns

Any pattern or issue that causes stress or uncomfortable feelings and reactions can be released. Then the body can be retrained and the mind educated to think and respond differently with the RET process and the Skills for Life classes. The Skills for Life classes or personal coaching is the cognitive or second part of the Rapid Eye Modality. With these skills you learn to identify nonproductive beliefs and then become aware of the power you have within yourself to change circumstances and reclaim your life. The format of the classes includes what we call the seven principles of universal truth.